Monday, November 30, 2020

Fun National Days in December

It's almost December!  Below are some interesting National Holidays that I thought we could celebrate this month.  Let me know what you think.

December 1  

National Pie Day

Who doesn't like pie?  Apple pie, pumpkin pie, blueberry pie.  Strawberry rhubarb is my favorite!

It's also

National Eat a Red Apple Day

This day encourages everyone to eat a red apple.  You remember that old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."  Today is a great day to put that to the test.   How to observe the day?  Well, You can start by grabbing a red apple!  

December 2

National Mutt Day

A day to celebrate My Weird Dog  Pippen  mixed breed dogs.  Today is a great day to visit a shelter or rescue and adopt a dog.  If you already have a mutt, give him some extra love today.  Oh and don't forget to celebrate by posting on social media #nationalmuttday.  

December 5

National Bathtub Party Day

This day encourages us to skip the shower and relax and enjoy a good soak in the tub.  Add some suds and pamper yourself!  Bathtub party sounds like more people are involved.  Well, that's what I thought when I heard about the holiday.  I remember plopping two boys in the tub for a bath.  That was always a party for them.    How to celebrate today?  Grab yourself a glass of  wine, a good book and a nice bath bomb and relax in the tub.  Extra people in the tub is optional.

December 8

National Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day

This one sounded interesting.  Here is the original blog post that started it all.  Which will you be?  From the future or a traveler from the past?  

December 12

National Ding a Ling Day

This holiday encourages us to get in touch with people we once talked to often.  This was actually started by Franky Hyle from Melrose Park, IL in 1972.  Hyle was discussing with his friends on how they should be friendlier and get in touch with friends and relatives they haven't heard from in awhile. The term, "ding a ling"  came up in their conversation.  They looked it up and found the meaning was, "One who hears bells in their head."  From this a tradition was born.  To celebrate, pick up the phone and call someone you haven't seen or spoken to in awhile.  I bet they would love to hear from you!

December 13

National Guard Birthday

The National Guard, a component of the United States Army, is composed of soldiers who work and/or attend school.  At the same time, they are called to provide support and protection for that states civilians or to be called for military operations for the country.  On this date in 1636 the first militia regiments were organized in Massachusetts.  They are referred to being one of the oldest units in the US Military.

December 15

National Wear Your Pearls Day

This day is a reminder of when life throws dirt your way, we all have value in the end.   The result of one irritating grain of sand causes a pearl to form.  Just like pearls, people and the kinds of trials thrown into our lives come in many shapes and sizes.  Remember when life throws a little dirt your way that you have value.  How to celebrate?  Bring out those pearls (real or fake) and put them on.  I know Bella will be celebrating today.

December 17

National Re-Gifting Day

Yes.  There is a day to get rid of those unwanted gifts you have received over the years.  Today is the day.  Held the Thursday before Christmas, because that is when most office parties are held and 40% of those gifts are re-gifted.  I'm not sure how this will all play out this year with people at home.  Maybe you can drop off your gifts on people's door steps?

December 18

National Answer the Telephone Like Buddy the Elf Day

"Buddy the Elf, What's your favorite color?"  I know I will be participating today.  How about you?

It's also

National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

Perfect day to put on that sweater that Aunt Martha gave you for Christmas last year.  Don't have one?  If you need some ideas on how to make one, click here and here.

December 20

National Sangria Day

I don't think we need an explanation or a reason.  I mean, you are getting your share of fresh fruit in every glass.  

December 21

National Crossword Day

I love doing crosswords (and sudoku).  It's a sore subject with RT, but, today I have a reason to do crossword puzzles.  

It's also

National Humbug Day

Today we recognize the Ebenezer's, scrooges and grinches who suck the joy out of the holiday season.  This day is also set aside for those that are tired of the hustle and bustle of the season and just need a moment (or day) to let out a few "Bah Humbugs."  


National Flashlight Day

Or as Nick would say, Flash a light.  Today is a celebration of the Winter Solstice and reminds us to turn on some lights during the shortest day of the year.

December 23

National Pfeffernusse Day

A Pfeffernusse is a German spice cookie made of ground nuts and spices and covered in powdered sugar.  I have never tried a Pfeffernusse cookie, but, I am thinking I will have to find a recipe and share it with everyone.  Stay tuned.  

oh, and for those Seinfeld fans, it's


Invented by Frank Costanza, in response to the commercialism of Christmas.  It has the catchy slogan, "A Festivus for the rest of us."  This holiday contains the aluminum pole, a nice dinner, a time for everyone to Air their Grievances, Feats of Strength (where the head of household must be pinned or it will result in perpetual Festivus) and the Festivus Miracle.  

December 26

National Whiner's Day

A day to let us complain about roughly anything.  You can whine about being too tired, overeating, cleaning up or going back to work.  Hey, you can complain about COVID, Quarantine or even the election!  There are some rules, though.  You can't complain about what you did not get for Christmas or what you do not have and, most importantly, that you should remember what you do have.

December 27

National Fruitcake Day

Who has that fruitcake anyway? 

December 29

National Hero Day

A day to honor the person and or people that we look up to and that inspire us to be the best person that we can be.  Heroes come in many forms.  They rescue us, inspire us and most importantly, they believe in us.

It's also

National Tick Tock Day

No.  This doesn't refer to making videos on the app Tik Tok.   This day reminds us to address any unfinished business before the end of the year.  

December 30

National Bacon Day

Because Bacon.

December 31

National Make Up Your Mind Day

Quit wavering, take a side, make a decision and stick to it.  

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