Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Pandemic Pandemonium

I'm sure you've been watching the circus  news and are up to date on the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.  I understand the situation and the seriousness, but...

Yes.  I have to talk  write about this chaos  craze.

I see people treating this as the end of the world and are stockpiling food (and toilet paper and ammunition).  I don't remember stockpiling happening with Y2K, H1N1 or MRSA.  And, what about saving some food and toilet paper for those that actually need it?  < That isn't what I want to write about...

The CDC (Center for Disease Control) has been putting out information on how we should all wash our hands.  How to's, how long, etc.

Wait....did I miss something?  I've been washing my hands (and often) for my whole life.  Are there people out there that do not wash their hands?   And these people need to be reminded to wash their hands???

And coughing and sneezing into your arm.  Well, I can attest to this from working in retail, A LOT of people do not do this or even turn away from other people.  They just cough and sneeze in your face  (so I guess some government intervention is needed in that area).

With all of these news stories and scare tactics, the ones that are really (negatively) affected are the kids.  My daughter was upset because she had to call and tell me that we couldn't come to her Championship basketball game (we attended every game of the season...their team was undefeated).  Unfortunately, this frightened my daughter.  After seeing reports of people being kept on cruise ships, she started thinking she might not see us for awhile (we did discuss this and things are better).

I do hope something good comes out of all of this chaos craziness.

Helping others.  

Oh, and always wash your hands.

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