Wednesday, January 22, 2020

"You look very pretty."

One day at work, I stepped into the restroom to wash my hands.  A little girl came to the sink to do the same.  Then, before she starts to wash her hands she says, "You look very pretty."

Now, how can you not smile when someone compliments you?

It doesn't matter that I was at work.
I was wearing my work clothes and store apron.
I was tired and in need of a break.
I'm pretty sure I wasn't looking my best.

But, hearing that tiny little voice telling me that I look pretty and even smiling during and after the compliment...well, that just made my day!

Once you receive a compliment, the day seems to look a whole lot brighter!

I read somewhere that an act of kindness matters and can make a change for the better for someone who is having a stressful day.   Kindness can change lives.  A smile releases endorphins (a natural pain reliever).  It also releases serotonin, which boosts your mood.

I know that I'm always talking about random acts of kindness.  And, I always mention to say hello to someone.  But, what about adding a little compliment after your greeting?

 Why is it so easy for a child to give out compliments like,

"You're pretty."
"I like your dress."
"I like your shoes."

And, we, as adults, seem to find this difficult?  Why can't we give someone a compliment?

I know everyone has a hectic schedule.  I'm just asking you to take a moment and truly look at someone.  Say hello.  And, if it's not too creepy (I don't want you to become a creeper!), give them a compliment.  You can start with your loved ones.

Give it a try and let me know how it turns out.  I bet you make their day!

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