Monday, January 13, 2020

An Overdue Apology

I probably should have said this to my parents a long time ago.  I did apologize to my Mom when Nick was a teen after an incident (teen episode) involving a trip to the library.

I started to notice the pattern.  I (or sometimes RT) would tell one of our children something and it would fall on deaf ears.  I would repeat the advice/suggestion/self experience and again, nothing.  This would happen numerous times, sometimes extending into years and years of me saying the same thing with absolutely no response from the child.  And then, one day, the child does what I suggested and tells me that their friend (or a random stranger the met on the street) told them about this change to make and they listened and did it.  I'm happy they made the change but wonder why my same suggestion went unnoticed and had to be given by a complete stranger for any action to take place?

After talking to other parents, I realize that my children are in the norm.  Everyone seems to have some difficulty in having valuable advice stick in their children's heads.

I had to look back and think about my time as a child and teen.  Did I listen to my parents advice and act accordingly?  Did I make them tell me over and over again?  Did I refuse to do it and pay the consequences for not listening?

It's probably a little late because my parents will not get to hear and appreciate my apology, but, here it goes....

Mom.  Dad.

I'm sorry for not always listening to your advice, especially when you had the same experience and you were only trying to help and I ended up (in the end) doing what you suggested.  There may have been a time or a few hundred times where I did the opposite of what you said (I'm sure I was expressing my individuality or independence).  Now that I am older, I realize that you were only trying to help me make my life easier by sharing your knowledge and or experience so I don't make the same mistake.  I'm also sorry for the timing of this apology.  I should have made this happen a long time ago.

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