Friday, January 31, 2020

Cherry Juice

I picked Bella up from dance the other night.  As she was getting into the car, I told her that we had to stop at the grocery store on the way home to pick up cherry juice for RT.

Bella:  Cherry juice?  What?  Is he menstruating or something?  Does he have cravings now?  Why does he need cherry juice?

Cherry juice was recommended by (our neighbor) for RT's hip.  Why cherry juice?  Why not cranberry or apple juice?   Well, cherry juice is what was recommended and it works for him.  We thought it was one of those odd remedies that friends or family members throw at you that works for them.  In fact, I'm not sure RT was going to try it.  How can drinking cherry juice help his hip?

So, I had to do some research.  I looked up cherry juice to see what information I could find.  I was pretty surprised at what I found and thought I would share it with you.

Cherry juice is a great post work out drink.  It maintains blood pressure, hydration, muscle recovery, digestion, heart rate and ph balance.

Cherry juice fights inflammation and arthritis pain.  Just what RT needs.

Cherry juice reduces inflammation and swelling.

Cherry juice boosts immunity and fights infection.

Cherry juice regulates metabolism (and can fight fat).

Cherry juice helps you sleep.  A study suggests that tart cherry juice as insomnia medications on older adults. 

Cherry juice reduces growth of cancer cells.

I guess I shouldn't be that surprised.  It's natural, not man made or full of chemicals.

It was odd that our neighbor brought over a bottle of cherry juice for RT to try.  He highly recommended it and said he drinks it all of the time.  Like I said, it felt like another one of those crazy things someone asks you to try that works for them.  RT didn't seem to be crazy about trying it, so, I put the bottle in the basement refrigerator.

The sad part of the story is that I brought the bottle out after our neighbor passed away.  I thought RT should give the cherry juice a try.  I mean, it came highly recommended, why not try it?

The happy part is that the cherry juice is working for RT's hip.  I have now made sure that he does not run out of cherry juice.

Thank you, Sim, for helping RT and his hip with your cherry juice suggestion.
You were right.  It works.
Miss you, neighbor!

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