Friday, December 20, 2019

The Great Toilet Paper Debate

I thought I would give you a topic to discuss with your family and friends this holiday season.  The Great Toilet Paper Debate.  Should it be over or under?

You always hear people talk about how the toilet paper roll should be placed on toilet paper holder.  There are some people that insist that the roll be place on the holder and the paper goes over the top.  Then, there are others that insist that the paper be placed so that the paper rolls toward the back (toward the wall).

It's interesting.  People go to great lengths to prove their point on which way the toilet paper should roll.  In fact, if you search, "toilet paper debate" you get quite a few articles, along with videos and diagrams, explaining which way is the correct way the toilet paper should roll off your toilet paper holder.  The funny thing about these articles?  Each one states that they have the end all answer to this great debate that has been going on for years.

Some stats:

Over the top:
Easier to tear off number of squares
Easier to locate end
less chance of scraping the wall with knuckles
Personality trait:  Likes to take charge, over achiever, stays organized

Less chance of it unraveling
Less chance of child and pet unraveling the roll
tidier appearance
Personality trait:  Laid back, artistic, dependable

Some people bring up the original diagram that was presented for the patent.  The roll of toilet paper was drawn so that the paper goes over the top.

Do you have an opinion which way the toilet paper is placed on the holder?

Do you change it if you see that it isn't "correct?"

Do you even care which way it's placed?

Let me know in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Over the top, of course. Another argument for over the top: some toilet paper have designs that would be upside down if put under.

    When K was young, she'd get very upset if the toilet paper was put under and would inform her grandparents - with her hands on her hips - that their toilet paper rolls were on wrong. So, when she came for a visit, they would hurriedly flip all their toilet paper rolls to be under, because they found it cute.
