Friday, December 13, 2019

New Job Update

I have been working for a couple of months at my new job and thought I would give you a little update.

I am enjoying the fact that I'm actually doing something during the time that I am at my job instead of staring off into space.  Sometimes it's a project or updating the features with new merchandise.  Maybe I'm putting new merchandise out on the floor or doing mark downs.  Or, maybe I'm a cashier.  The time goes by much faster and I get to move around the store quite a bit.

Here are some things I've experienced in the last couple of months.

1.  They play a lot of country music in our store.  They do throw in some pop (from about 5 years ago) every once in awhile.  Unfortunately (or fortunately?) they are the same songs every. single. day.  I think I know them all by heart and I know which song is going to come on next.  Yea.  Pretty scary.

2.  They haven't started playing Christmas music.   I'm not sure if they will ever play Christmas music this holiday season.  All I can say is at least they aren't playing Kidz Bop!

3.  Working with the public can be quite interesting.  I think you knew this one was coming.  I'll have to give you some examples.  This is my warning... skip to number 4 now if you have a weak stomach  don't want the details.

OK.  You were warned.

I have found that some people don't bathe.  Ever.  I have had this experience with a few customers where I have walked by them and accidentally inhaled and almost passed out.  I'm not sure if these people are oblivious to their stench  stink  odor.  Do they realize that no one wants to smell their nastiness?  I think they should warn you before you take a job like this that working with the public can kill you be hazardous to your health.

Then, there are the farters.  Those are the people that walk around (or stand in one place/area) and just fart.  A lot.  I was helping a customer and had to walk to the back to check if the item was there and passed a smelly guy and walked into the biggest fart cloud ever.  You laugh, but, I COULD HAVE DIED!  I thought there was something wrong with our bathrooms again (see #4).  Turns out, it was some guy who must have been REALLY gassy.  I know this because somehow the fart cloud moved to another area and the same guy was standing there.

4.  The bathrooms.   I'm not sure what goes on in the bathroom that the public uses.  Maybe they use too much TP or they don't go for a week and then decide to finally go when they are at our store.  The store had some issues with the sewer.  The back of our store smelled pretty bad and the bathrooms were (obviously) out of commission for the day.  We had to use the bathrooms next door.  Thank God for Whole Foods!

5.  Management is pretty lenient.  There are quite a few employees that call in a lot or don't show up for work and they still have a job!  Management also doesn't know when you come in or leave work.  They also have no idea what you are doing during your scheduled work time.

6.  As an employee, sometimes I'm a personal mannequin for customers.  I have had customers tell me that the person that they are buying for is exactly my size and I have to try clothes and coats on for them.

7.  Sometimes I'm a personal shopper.  Finding items for customer to buy.  Telling them that something doesn't look good on them (I did that for a few guys buying coats).

8.  I have realized that I always have a good story after my shift.   Oh, and they are usually pretty funny.

The Holiday season is just starting.  I'm sure I will have a few more stories as time goes on.

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