Thursday, December 19, 2019

National Regifting Day

I didn't believe this one until I did a little research.  Here's what I found out.

First of all, how about a definition.  Regifting is when you get a gift from someone, you don't use it,  and then you give the gift (wrapped up) to someone else.

There is a specific day dedicated to regifting unwanted presents.  It is the Thursday before Christmas (TODAY!).  Apparently, most office parties are held on this day and 40% of gifts given at these parties are regifted.  The idea of regifting was one of the topics that was thoroughly discussed in a Seinfeld episode.  And, some people believe that regifting is becoming more popular as a way to recycle unused or unwanted gifts.

Here is some regifting etiquette, in case you want to participate today.

Regift only if you know that the recipient will enjoy the gift.  If at any time you have referred to the item as junk, a dust collector or clutter, then it isn't re-giftable.

Regift only if the item is brand new, never used and in original packaging.

Don't regift an item that is handmade or personalized.  You don't want to upset Aunt Bertha by giving away those neon yellow crocheted potholders

If you aren't sure who gave you the item, then don't regift it.  You don't want to accidentally regift the item to the person who gave you it in the first place.

Don't regift the item if the receiver knows the person that gave you the item originally.  That could be embarrassing.

When rewrapping gifts, make sure you remove all previous gift tags and wrap

Be prepared to answer, "Where did you find this gift?"  And, "What made you decide to get this gift for me?"

If you feel uneasy or nervous about all of this, then, regifting isn't for you.

You can use #NationalReGiftingDay as your hash tag when posting on Social media.  If you don't want the person to know that you are regifting, then, stay away from social media on this one.

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