Friday, March 1, 2019


I've mentioned many times about my daily walks.  I've posted about my adventures, my finds and my fun.

We had a dip in the weather a few weeks ago.  The temps dipped below 0F.  I opted to skip my daily walk on those days.  I started back up that weekend.  I wanted to get a really good walk in to make up for my missed walking fun.

I started out on the path.  With the snow on the path, it makes me feel like I'm walking somewhere in the Rocky Mountains (Hey!  It makes my walks more interesting).  Unfortunately on this day, the paths were very slushy because of the warmer weather.  I decided to stick it out until I got to the next path that leads to the street, which happens to be the icy path.  I ran through the slushy snow on the grass to get to the street.  I could have just gone back home, but, decided to keep going.

When I walk, I get in a zone and am looking down at the path or straight ahead.  Luckily, I happened to turn my head this time.  I was glad I had my cell phone on me (thanks, Steve for urging me to carry it at all times, just in case).  I found a neighbor laying in the snow.  I didn't know if she had been there for awhile, but once I got up close, I could tell something wasn't right.

I felt like I was on a movie set.  No one around.  Cold outside.  A woman in her pajamas laying in the snow.  She was pretty beat up and was not responsive.  I ended up calling 911.

I found out that she was taking her garbage out the night before, slipped and fell on the ice (she had quite a few bruises on her elbows and knees).  Thankfully, she was able to go home and heal up.

I always say that things happen for a reason.  I was supposed to be bothered by the slushy path so I could walk on the street and help this neighbor.  I was also supposed to look around.

Since that day, I now feel I have to save someone on my walk prior to coming home.  So, I might not be home for awhile.

Or....I'm going to have to knock someone down, just so I can go home.

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