Friday, June 8, 2018

Bad Day Time TV

While visiting the dentist office the other day, in between my blog post writing spree, I was lucky to watch the television they had blaring in the waiting room.

I tried watching a show (a talk show with hosts that I've never heard of and who shouldn't be hosting a talk show) and wondered why this show is even on TV?  The hosts have no enthusiasm for their guests or topics they are discussing.  In fact, they are acting bored.  It's like they are telling you not to watch this show.

You would think, after all of these years, they would have developed some shows that could air during the daytime hours.

Wait.  Scratch that.

Let's try that again, OK?

You would think that after all of these years, they would have developed some interesting shows that could air during the daytime hours.

I'm not a big TV watcher, so, I'm not sure why I'm the one who has to bring this topic up.  But, I remember days when I worked and I was home, sick, and wanted to watch something on TV only to find bad TV.

I guess that's why Netflix was invented.  So you could avoid the bad daytime television.

Oh, yea.  And golf.

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