Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Loaner

That's Loaner.  Not loner.

So, While I was visiting the car dealer last week (I feel like I go there at least once a month) and, in between the exciting golf tournament that I was watching on TV, I somehow wrote a blog post (Year in Review - 2017).  The dealer would not let me leave with my car, so they gave me a loaner.

This loaner produced some excitement in our house.  First of all, it's a new car.  New = not ours and well, it's newer than any of our cars.  Of course, Alex felt he was able to drive it whenever he wanted/, fun, etc.

On New Years Eve, Alex was going out with friends.  I told him to take RT's car because the loaner needed gas.  With frigid temperatures here, it's not a great time to have to put gas in one's car.  I told him to text me and let me know that he's OK.  A lot of weirdos are out on New Year's Eve and he was going to two different friend's houses.

So....first text.

Alex:  I'm safe.  The car needs gas.

Guess which car he took?

I told him not to fill it.  Maybe $10-$15 worth of gas.  (We have to return with the same amount of gas that it had when it was given to us).

I received several texts all stating that he was safe.

At 2am, I look outside and in the garage and I don't see the loaner.  Alex was still awake.  He said the loaner ran out of gas by the church and he (along with the help of his friends) had to push the car (in freezing temperatures) two blocks.  The car was parked in front of a friends house (he did notify the village so we don't get a ticket).  One kid's mom came and drove everyone home.

So, New Years Day, we had to get the car and put gas in it.  I use the term "we" loosely because I was the one to drive it to the gas station and fill it up.  I thought Alex was going to follow me.  You know. In case the car dies and I don't make it to the gas station.  But, alas, no.  He went to hang out with friends.

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