Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Time Out

We have had a lot of excitement  headaches  nightmares  stuff going on the last couple of weeks.

A couple of weeks ago (the week before Christmas), RT went in to the dentist for a couple of fillings. His appointment was the first thing in the morning, and then he went to work.  I, of course, went to work (busiest shopping time for a toy store).  That evening, RT was feeling a little dizzy.  We thought, well, we aren't sure what we thought.  Still feeling the affects from his dental visit?  To make a long story longer  short, RT ended up going to the hospital and was out of commission for a few days.  He's better now (thank God!).

Then, we had Christmas, which I wasn't totally prepared for because of work and RT's hospital visit.

Then, along came New Years, and RT, Bella and Alex got sick (headache, cough, fever, etc.).  I was the tending physician (and still am).   Bella just got over it right before school started back up again.

During all of this crazy time illness, everyone (that was sick) has been EXTREMELY crabby.  I mean, I understand what it's like being sick, feeling awful and not being able to do much.  It can make you quite crabby.  Unfortunately, much of this crabbiness has been directed towards the attending nurse (me).

I am looking forward to some healthier times in our house and some happier people to live with .

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