Sunday, December 31, 2017

Year in Review - 2017

It's time to say good bye to 2017.

Let's take a look back at what we did  I did  happened this year, shall we?

I shared my Yiayia's famous Ice recipe.  Despite the easy steps, my children still have not figured out how to make it.  Maybe that can be one of their goals for 2018?

We went back in time  We travelled to the 90's  We solved the Case of the Missing Walkman.

We came up close and personal with RT's napkin hoarding.  I thought it was pretty bad when we went out to dinner and I mentioned that I could use a napkin and he pulled several out of his pocket.  We knew it was bad when he sent me a text with a picture of his desk drawer at work, full of napkins.  Let's hope he gets some help.

I received a knife sharpener as a gift and have used it a whole three times so far!  By the way, my book, "How to not use a Knife Sharpener and live your life on the edge," is available for sale now.

You learned more about my weird dog.  (I told you he was weird)  Probably a lot more than you wanted to know in the first place and, now believe he is really weird.

We also had some fun with RT's hearing.  Giving him the phone number for those who are hearing impaired.  Accidentally, of course!

You met the homeless hiker walking through the neighborhood (me).  I was later joined by my weird dog on my walks.

Oh, and how can we forget my endless number of car dealer visits?  In fact, that's where I am right now, writing this post!!

That brings us to the countless hours I spent watching golf!  I'm surprised I didn't start a golf blog!  How exciting and fun would that be!  Reading about golf!  Maybe that should be my goal in 2018?

We had a lovely summer of the zucchini...because that was the only thing that decided to grow in my garden this year.

I climbed a mountain with RT and Bella.

We learned about RT's love of doing laundry while on vacation.  By the way, he still has some dates left for the 2018 vacation season.  Better book now before those fill up!

We also learned that "It wasn't me" visits our house (quite often) and does some strange things.  In fact, if you see "It wasn't me," tell him to swing by and clean the pee that he left on the bathroom floor.  Thanks!

You joined me on my soap making adventure and my swim suit shopping excursion.

You cheered me  RT and I on our Vegan Challenge.  I still say RT cheated.

We had a couple of losses this year.  We had to say good bye to my alarm clock and the air conditioner.  May they rest in peace.

We can't forget about The Great Fruit Fly Infestation of 2017.  What a devastating time.  We thought it would never end!  And to think it started with a banana peel!  Hopefully my child we can learn from this bad experience and maybe clean our room more often?  watch where we put our banana peels.

We had our scary moment this year when RT almost got rid of, "The Shorts."  We had to have an emergency meeting to vote on whether "The Shorts" could be disposed of at that time.  The ruling stated that "The Shorts" were to be kept around.......FOREVER!

And, finally, we had a good laugh when RT accidentally bought Bean Boozled Jelly Beans instead of regular jelly beans.  We have some left, if anyone has a taste for: Stinky Socks?  Boogers?  Dog food?  Dead fish?

Wow!  We did a lot of crazy stuff this year!  I don't know about you, but, I'm looking forward to see what 2018 has in store for us.  I'm sure it's going to be strange  odd  weird  interesting  fun!

Hope you stick around for more of My Scary Journey.


  1. It’s been a blast! Keep it coming. Happy New Years Fontaine!
