Friday, December 1, 2017

Weird Local Laws

I was trying to get some information from Nick, which is not an easy thing to do.  I just needed a quick answer or two.  Instead of the answer I was looking for, I got an earful about some of the weird laws from a town near us.  Nick then started to compare a similar law to one from our town (our town's equivalent law isn't that weird).

After several hours minutes, I finally told him I wasn't up to discussing the weird laws of local towns and just needed a quick answer.

It's never easy.

By the way, the law was a dress code.  You can't make yourself look attractive.  So, sweatpants and a bad t-shirt?  Our town apparently has a dress code.  It isn't as strict.  It states that you have to be covered (no risqué dressing going on in this town!).

If you are interested in any other weird laws, I'm sure Nick can find a few more for you.

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