Friday, November 4, 2016

A Cure for Shop-o-holics

Bella and Alex both needed clothes (growth spurts are overrated).  So, I took them out shopping.

I should have started this post telling you how much I "used to love shopping."  I enjoyed shopping for clothes, household items and shoes.  Now, I didn't always buy things, it was just fun looking.  I could spend hours shopping.  Did I mention that it was fun?

OK, now back to shopping with my kids.

First, it's the effort to get them to go with you when you have the free time.  They try to come up with excuses.  I just say it's either now or possibly a month from now.  They hop on the opportunity and off we go.

Once at the store, they forget why we are there.  They start looking at everything that is not related to our current shopping trip.  Oh, and then there's a story they have to tell me because they saw something that triggered this memory in their mind.  The story has nothing to do with the current shopping trip.  After several prompts and reminders of, "Why are we here again?"  we I start getting down to business.

Yes.  Me.  I start combing the racks while they stare at me.  That's when I have to remind them that we are there for them, not me and that I am not their personal shopper.

Once we have combed through the racks we move on to the fitting room.  Also known as "The Black Hole."  The teenager can take an extremely long time to try on one pair of pants.  After twenty minutes, he walks out to show me.  I'm assuming nothing else fit him.  He then tells me it's the one (and only) item he has tried on.  What took him so long, you ask?  Oh.  He was texting his friends.  He didn't want them to wait for a reply.

After a few more changes and a thousand few more runs out to the floor for me, we are able to head to the checkout.  At this point, I'm exhausted and ready to go home, put my feet up and have a drink.  The child, on the other hand, is happy and full of energy.

I try to get them to go shopping with RT.  The kids always refuse.  They want to go shopping with me.  I do try to make it fun while we are there.  I think RT tries to make it a very long and painful shopping experience for the kids so he never has to take them.

Or...he's paying them to go with me.

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