Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Ghost Town

The other day, RT was out working on the deck.  A chore that goes faster with two people.  I helped out a couple of times but then got sick.

While RT was working on the deck, I decided that it was time to officially end summer and take down the garden.  Taking down the garden is always a sad time for me.  With two gardens, it's a huge task, and with me not feeling well, it makes the task that much harder.

I worked away for quite awhile.  Finally I said, "Isn't it funny that when we have work to do around the house, the kids disappear?"

I went into the house and all was eerily quiet.  I looked around, not a kid in sight.  It was like a ghost town.  Dirty dishes left around the sink. (yea, they left a huge pile on the counter)  I was waiting for the ghost sounds (chains, screams, etc.)It's like the kids heard my footsteps and ran away.  Well, it's not like they are going to actually volunteer to do the dishes or empty the dishwasher.

I called down the two who were home and put them to work.  There wasn't much left to do in the garden, but they complained about it anyway.

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