Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Random Acts of Kindness - Returned

This year I have been trying to focus on doing Random Acts of Kindness.  Making sure to bring smiles to other people's faces.  Brighten their day.  Be a good listener.  Help others.

All of this love and kindness that I have been trying to spread came back to me the other day.  RT, Bella and I took a trip over spring break.  One day we decided to go into town and do something fun.  Bella picked this roller coaster that goes up and around a mountain.  Just as we were walking through the parking lot, a car pulls up next to us and the people hand us free tickets.  They told us that they were leaving today and would not be able to use them.  We offered to pay for the tickets but they refused.  It was hard to accept, but I realized that these people were just passing along a little kindness and that we should just graciously accept.

It made me think about some of the kind things that I have done and how easy it is to spread love, joy and happiness into other people's lives.  It doesn't have to cost anything.  Sometimes it's just a simple hello, or holding the door open for someone.  Just a little effort on your part can brighten up some one's day.
The tickets were a wonderful gesture (and the ride was a blast).  It made me feel good that there are others out in the world spreading love and kindness to everyone.

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