Monday, May 5, 2014


I have these talks with my kids. I tell them how they need to be more responsible.

A few months back, Alex was having a problem with his phone.  It wouldn't turn on. He had no idea what happened to his phone. (It wasn't the fact that he took it sledding with him and kept it in his sweat pants) I took it to the cell phone provider only to find out that the phone has water damage. (Again, Alex has no idea how it got wet. He said he never took it out of his room)

Nick has been having problems with his phone. Right now it doesn't work at all. I keep telling him to bring it in and have it checked out.  I think it takes too much effort to drive there.  (although, driving all around town for hours and hours doesn't seem to have any affect on him)

There was the incident of the lost calculator.  Yea, the one that runs about $100.  (luckily, I found it) 

Nick recently lost his flash drive. He has been looking everywhere for it.  I told him to check the lost and found at school.  Maybe someone turned it in?  He said that no one would turn something like that in, they would just keep it.  I said, you won't know unless you look.

Last week, I realized that I lost the key for work.  I don't lose things so this one has been hard for me.  The key can be anywhere.  It was on my key chain (loose).  I have a clip that I use to clip my keys onto my belt loop.  I think the key might have fallen off when I clipped my keys.  But, when?

All of these talks about responsibility and I lose my key for work.  Great role model, huh?

I think I had it when I took the girl scouts to Build a Bear and out for pizza.  I called both places and they could not find it.  I called mall security.  I searched the parking lots at both places.  I asked at Carson's (we walked through the store to get to Build a Bear).  No luck.

I had to fess up.  The next time I worked, I told my boss how I lost the key.  I felt so bad.  She was relieved.  I think she thought I was quitting.  She said, "I lose my key all the time!  I think I've lost 5 or 6 keys!"  (yea, glad she isn't giving the responsibility talks to my kids)  I got a new key and all is well.  (I'm still looking for the other key, hoping it will turn up)

The other morning, Alex said that he needs a new calculator.  (the $100 calculator)  I said, what's wrong with your calculator?  He said it doesn't work. 

Here we go again.......

He is currently using  my calculator from high school.  I told him not to lose or break it.  I said I took care of's lasted this long, let's try to get it to last even longer...

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