Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A new meaning for "Purse Therapy"

I need a new purse.

I have needed a new purse for quite some time now. (We're talking 5, maybe 10 years now)

I go looking at purses but don't seem to find anything that I like.

Yesterday, I went purse shopping (once again) with the intent of buying a purse.  (this purse buying excursion happens regularly, resulting in no purse purchases). You see, RT told me that I needed to get a new purse.  I think the words, "I'm going to throw that one out" were mixed in with, "that one looks bad"  and "it's time."  He has a way with the few words that flow out of his mouth. 

I went to a couple of stores that had a large selection of purses. I walked through, looked at and maybe tried a couple out. I walked out of both stores without a purse. 

After leaving the second store, I realized that I have commitment issues with purse buying.  I'm thinking of starting a support group. Let me know if you are interested.

RT said I need to just take the plunge and buy a purse.

It's hard. I have to imagine myself in all situations with the purse. Most don't measure up. 

Can I wear this purse everywhere on every occaision?  Does it look good?  Will everything (including the kitchen sink) fit in there?  (I'm not a huge purse person) Do I like that color?  Does it match anything and everything in my wardrobe?  

It's really a marriage for me, not purse buying. 

I am trying to work through my purse issues. The purse that I have now I don't like and has holes in it.  Yea, I know. Somehow I let myself get away with wearing that one and I dismiss all the normal ones they have at the store. 

Like I said, I have to work through these issues. I am hoping, in time, I will be able to take the plunge and buy a purse. 

Until then, I have to hide my current purse so RT doesn't throw it out. 

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