Monday, November 21, 2011

First Aid/CPR Class

I took this CPR/First Aid class for Daisy's.  Thought I should probably have a refresher course since the last time I took it (in high school).  I wasn't exactly thrilled that it was a 6 hour class on a Saturday, but, hey, its something good to know, just in case.

There were 10 of us women taking the class.  The instructor was a girl scout leader for many years (her daughter is 25 now).  She gave us some good ideas and tips for our troops (and for us leaders).  Very informative and had some interesting stories.

We breezed through the CPR part of the class.  There was a lot of, "oh, this is going to be on the test."  Thats the stuff that she went over.  Then, "you don't need to know this, it isn't on the test."  So, we didn't learn it (whatever "it" was).  We finished the instruction part and we were taking our test around 12:30pm.  One woman got to leave after that because she already had the First Aid class.  We ate lunch at our tables and then began the First Aid section of the class a little after 1:00pm.

During the First Aid part, there was ALOT of "you don't need to know this" and a few "you need to know this for the test."  You could tell that she was determined to end the class early.  At 1:50, she gave us the last bit of information then gave us our test.  She said, "Great, we'll be out of here by 2!"

I start taking my test, and the questions are not what we talked about during class.  Luckily, I have a little common sense (keyword, "little") and got through these questions.  I turn in my test and start talking to the woman next to me about some of the questions.  She said she doesn't  remember a question about bee stings. (that should have been my first clue) 

The instructor hands me my test and suggests I look over the answers so I will know what to do if I'm ever in any of the situations.  I glance at the first question and realize that I got it right.  I mention it to her.  She said she must have made a mistake.  The next question was correct.  Another mistake.  The third question, she looks it over and realizes that I got a different test than the rest of the class.  She told me that I passed the class. 

I should be getting my certification card in the mail.  I hope I'm never in a situation where I will have to use it.  I don't think anyone should rely on my expertise in this area.  If I approach someone needing help, I'm going to have to say,  "I see that you are (choking, in need of help/first aid), I should probably mention that  I had the cliff notes version of the CPR/First Aid class, do you still want me to help you?"  

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