Sunday, March 31, 2013


I have this problem with hiccups. If I get the hiccups, I will have them for a LONG time (we are talking a minimum 30 minutes). Because of this, I try not to get the hiccups.

Unfortunately, Nick is the same way. When I was pregnant with him, he had the hiccups ALL the time. One time when he was a baby, RT was recording Nick and he (Nick) got the hiccups. It got to the point where Nick would do an angry cry between hiccups

Alex is lucky.  He doesn't have a hiccup problem.

Then there is Bella. If Bella laughs too much, she gets the hiccups. At night, after I read to her and am saying good night, I try not to say anything funny (something that can prove to be quite difficult for me) so she doesn't get the hiccups. It's hard to fall asleep when you have the hiccups.

Last night, Bella and RT were telling me about a funny part in the movie, "The Croods."  Yea, they went to see the movie without me and I was the one who mentioned that I wanted to see it. Anyway, Bella starts telling me about the scene with the dog rolling over and she starts laughing. She makes it through the story.  When she finishes up she gets the hiccups.

 Bella was still laughing about the scene.  The more she laughed, the more she hiccuped.

I couldn't stop laughing because Bella was laughing and hiccupping.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Gangsta Pooch

Had a little incident with the pooch. (Pippen, of course). I hooked him up out front on a chain (the dogs are usually in the yard which is fenced in) Pippen saw our neighbor his dog and his son's dog. He got excited and ran. I thought he was going to pull the peg out of the ground so I went to make sure it stayed (in the ground). In the meantime, Pippen ran and broke from the chain. In the process he broke his dog collar.

Until I get him a new collar, he is wearing the metal choke chain. RT wants to get him a grill.

For now his rap name is Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Friday, March 29, 2013

I got carded today!

Hey, if you got carded and you had a blog, that would be your post title. 

It's been awhile since I have been carded.  When buying alcohol, you can expect to be carded (I think it's up to age 30?)  Of course, I'm usually with one or two kids and my gray hairs are really showing.  I think the cashier realizes that I must really need it bad and just sends me on my way.

Today I was in line and the woman in front of me was buying cigarettes.  She defintely looked older than 18 (I think that's the age for cigarettes).  She was asked for an ID card and she asked her "friend" (husband?)  for his ID.  The cashier said she couldn't accept it.  The woman finally produced an ID (she made a big deal about having to look in her purse for it).  I say, if you are buying alcohol or tobacco products, you should have your (own) ID easily accessible so you can produce it if needed.  And, you shouldn't put up a stink about it.  It's the law. 

Of course some of us get a kick out of being carded and are very happy to be asked for our ID and then tell everyone we know about it.

The Shampoo Question: To Poo or not to Poo?

That is the question.

I haven't talked about my shampoo habits on my blog.  I didn't think it was that fascinating until I was having a conversation with someone and put everything about my shampoo habits out there in the open.

My friend, Patti convinced me to change my shampoo habits.  (you can read about some of her shampoo adventures here and you can also search "shampoo" on her blog) 

The shampoo available on the market strips your hair of natural oils.  Your hair then tries to build up oils until you wash your hair again (which then strips them of the oils).  It's a little circle that has no end.  I noticed that my scalp has always been extremely dry.  I tried skipping a day when washing my hair.  Sometimes I was lucky and my hair looked okay on the next day, sometimes it did not.  It was probably a confusing process for my hair because it never knew when the oil was going to be taken from it and just was on this continuous oil production.

Patti started with baking soda and water (with a splash of white vinegar) at first, then moved on to castille soap with a white vinegar rinse.

The baking soda in a cup of warm water is a popular no-poo solution for your hair.  This method of caring for your hair will take one to two weeks for your hair to adjust.  Also, this is not a daily washing method.  Your hair does not need to be washed daily.  If needed, you can just rinse through your hair.  If you can't survive the oily adjustment phase, this might be the way to go.  You can always start with this method so your hair adjusts then switch to another method.

I searched for other ideas for home made shampoo.  I tried the (Dr. Bronner's) castille soap and vinegar rinse.  I was loving that my scalp did not itch anymore.  My only problem was the strong vinegar smell on my head.  (the smell came through when my hair was wet)  I did not scrub my head very much when shampooing it and noticed that I was clogging my pores on my scalp.  (Gross, I know, but I learned a lesson)  I got my hair cut and liked how my hair looked (she used regular brand shampoo) and I started back using regular shampoo for about a month.  Then, I noticed my hair was getting REAL dry and I was having issues with oil production on my scalp.  (something that dermatologists would call acne, but, it's not acne.  Acne has a certain look to it.  This did not look like acne.  I call it an over production of oil - trying to compensate for the oil being lost on my scalp) (I know I'm not a doctor, but, I know my body and I know when something is wrong.  Unlike a doctor, I want to find a reason for the problem, not slap a temporary solution onto it).

Anyway, back to the poo discussion.  I searched for other ideas for home made shampoo. I came up with this from Ashley's Homemade Adventures.  It seemed a little complicating (for me, at least) so, I decided to go back to my old shampoo habit but modify it a bit.  I now use half castille soap and half water (in a spray bottle).  I spray a little into my hair and scrub (making sure to scrub my scalp).  Rinse.  I then use a conditioner (paraben and sulfate free) on my hair.  I'm not sure if I need the conditioner, but I feel it might cut down some of the oil that I'm putting into the hair.  I do not wash my hair every day.  I could, but, I don't.  I make sure to brush it at night and in the morning (something that my mom used to tell me to do when I was growing up, "brush your hair to distribute the oils")  

When you first start this (half castille soap half water) your hair will be oily.  Don't start this if you have a major event in the next couple of weeks.  This method might take 4-8 weeks, depending on how often you wash your hair.  It is best to go 3-4 days without washing it the first time.  You will notice that your hair will start looking oily after 24 hours.  That's normal.  Your hair is used to your old shampoo ways and is worried about getting the oil stripped away.  Continue by going anywhere from 2-4 days without washing.  I felt like this sped up the adjustment time on my hair a little (or maybe it just felt like it?).  I do not have to add anything to my hair (hair gel, mousse, etc)  and it looks great.  (well, I think it does)  I just blow dry my hair and I am ready to go.

I tried to capture some pictures of my hair on day one (the day I "shampoo" it) and day two (the day after I "shampoo" it).  Hard to take pictures of yourself.  Day one is using my phone.  I didn't realize how dark my hair is (I say it's brown, but, it's looking real dark.  my kids say my hair is black)


phone pictures
trying to show you that my hair doesn't look greasy after washing it with castille soap. 
I have been doing this for 3 months (this time around)
(I'll let you know if I figure out how to get rid of gray hairs :)

Wow.  Trying to take my own picture and like it is quite difficult.
Okay.  Day two.
And my, "What's going on over there?" look
I took more pictures for day two, but, I think I have scared you enough. 

Let me know your thoughts on shampoo.  I'm interested to see if anyone else has tried the no-poo method and how it has worked for them.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spring Break - no posts

Sorry for the break in posts.  I haven't died or been tied up by my kids.....yet.  The kids haven't killed each other.....yet.
Just enjoying spring break a little over here.
It's supposed to get close to 50F here today.  (that's warm for us Chicago people)  The sun is shining.  I'm planning on airing out the house and going for long walks with the dogs.
I'll be back with more posts real soon.
Stay with me.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Spring Break: Day 3

One child is working today.
One child is exhausted after sleeping over at a friends (he is up in his room, sleeping).  Apparently, there is no sleeping at a sleepover.
One child is at a friend's house for a play date.

Can you hear the quiet in the house?


*Update: Alex is sleeping over at a different friends house tonight (it's spring break, he can sleep when it's time to go back to school). Bella was up a few hours with stomach issues. Hoping its not the flu. (Could be the food she had on the play date)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Put some gas in the car!

It (FINALLY) happened. Nick put some gas in the car. He wasn't too happy about it. As he handed me the receipt he said to fill my car up.

I know it's only four gallons. It's something! It's a start, right?

Spring Break : Day 2

The fighting has started. When do they go back to school again?

While you are up, can you get me another drink?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring Break

Let the Spring Break festivities begin!

We are starting off our break with breakfast for dinner. Please join us for scrambled eggs, pancakes and bacon along with a game of PayDay!

The pancakes have some cinnamon and flax seed (gotta make them somewhat healthy). I will be dining on my world famous scrambled eggs with spinach and onion.

Proper attire must be worn at all times during mealtime.  Proper attire includes:  pajamas and slippers (for those who have cold feet).  If you are wearing risky pajamas, please slip on a robe before dinner.  Thank you.

No Soap!

Just doing a little cleaning and notice that the soap dispensers in the kids bathroom are (both) empty.  Do you think they could tell me?  Or, possibly, fill the dispensers themselves? 

RT is planning a soap talk with the kids.  His opening line,

"This is soap.  Soap is good.  Soap gets you clean."

He is going to have to work in, "you should use it" into his talk.

A couple weeks ago I made two dozen bars of soap.  Most of the soap I made is stored in the kids bathroom with a few bars in our bathroom.

One look in the kids shower today and there is no soap.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Getting down and dirty

Alex came home from school today in shorts and his PE shirt. I thought it was strange that he wore shorts today (it was 25 degrees and REALLY windy). (In other words, freezing). I asked him why he wore shorts (bypassing the question about the PE shirt). He then told me what happened.

Alex was playing basketball with one of his friends. The friend went to block him when he was going up for the shot. Alex fell in a mud puddle and the other boy fell on top of him. Alex's clothes were all muddy. I said this happened after school? When did you have time to change? He said it happened at recess. He said he had to walk home wearing his PE clothes.

Yea. I laughed. How can you not? He wasn't hurt. He was having fun playing basketball and that mud puddle just happened to get in the way.

Honestly, I'm surprised that he didn't keep the muddy clothes on. I guess I should be thankful. It's better than having the teachers think I let him go to school wearing muddy clothes.

I didn't realize the clothes were that muddy until I saw this pile.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blog templates, updates, etc.

I like to read other blogs.

There.  I said it.  I feel so much better getting that off my chest.  Phew!

OK, why I'm writing about blogs (templates, updates, color changes, etc) is that when I go visit someone else's blog, I notice things.  Now, I will be the first to admit that my blog isn't perfect.  I have messed around with the different templates that Blogger has available.  I have changed colors.  I have adjusted the width of the body of my blog.  I realize that there are some things on my blog that I need to address (IE, putting recipe links under my "Recipe" heading).  I like to say that my blog is a work in progress.

One thing that I have learned is to always check my blog to see that the changes I make to my blog work and look good.  By work I mean, when I adjust the colors on my blog, am I able to see them?  Do the colors look good?  If I adjust the column width or body width, am I able to see the complete wording on the side of my blog?  (If you look over to the right, Can I see the titles of past posts?  If you can't read the post title, how do you know if you want to read that blog post?) 

Like I said, I like to visit other blogs.  I was sad to see one of my favorite blogs had some adjustments done, and the side of the blog where she has links to some of her favorite online sites and sponsor ads was cut in half.  I wanted to click on one of the favorite online sites but it did not work because it was cut in half.  This made me think of how important it is to look at your blog often and see if you need to make changes.

Well, I hope that my many few readers get the point and, if they are blogging, remember to look at your blog every once in awhile.

There.  I feel better.

Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happy Birthday, Girl Scouts!

On my honor I will try
To serve God and my country
To help people at all times
and to live by the Girl Scout law.

Happy 101st birthday, Girl Scouts!

From Bella, the Daisy Scout

New Phone

Alex got a new phone.
It's an early birthday present. This is his first phone. It only has texting. Well, you can make phone calls on it, too. We added his phone to our current family plan.

Yesterday he got a text from our cell phone provider telling him he has racked up $20.00 in texting fees (we have an unlimited family texting plan - a must have with teenagers). I had to call our cell phone provider and work out that little problem. Apparently when the person added the line to our plan, she wiped out our texting plan. It's all straightened out now.

I was talking to Alex today when he got home from school. He wanted a friend over. While he was talking to me his phone was buzzing (from text messages). He was receiving and replying to messages the entire time we were talking from various friends (who, hopefully have unlimited texting plans). It was a constant beeping sound coming from him, which explains why everyone with teenagers should have unlimited texting plans.

I did ask him to try and not exceed our limit on our unlimited plan. I think I might have stumped him and maybe slowed down his texting.......for a minute.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Put a little gas in the car

I have been keeping track of the mileage on my car.  I'm not doing this as some sort of game or for fun.  I am doing it to keep track of how many miles are put on my car by other drivers.  Well, one in particular.  The one that drives my car around for fun (sometimes for work), doesn't put any gas in my car.  The one who just got his license, to be exact.

I mentioned just awhile ago in another post about how I like to keep my gas tank filled half way or more.  I had my talk with Nick and told him the story about filling the tank up after he uses the car.  I didn't ask him to fill the tank, just put in ten to twenty dollars.  It's not something he has to do all of the time.  Just once in awhile.  I notice that he will ask to drive a car for awhile, then, all of a sudden, he wants to drive the other car.  Why?  Because there isn't enough gas in the car he was driving.  (yea, I'm onto his little game)

I was telling RT about it and how I don't like getting in my car, knowing I just filled the tank with gas a couple days ago and did not drive very much, and finding it on E (empty) with 45 miles left in the tank.  (that happened again today, by the way)  RT said, well, now you know why I don't fill up my tank.  I didn't want to bring up the past and say that the gas tank on his car has always been on E, even before kids.  I went easy on him...this time. 

I am taking a new approach and only putting the necessary amount of gas in the tank that I will use.  I went a little overboard today (my first day of starting this project) and put in too much.  Too much means over 100 miles worth in the tank.  The kids have a three day school week and I know I will be asked for the car by Wednesday afternoon.  I am going to have to plan my errands out, leaving enough gas for conferences on Thursday and Friday.

Wish me luck.

Blogger. The APP (part two)

I found this APP last night (the Blogger APP) around 10:00pm. I wrote a couple posts using the APP and then tried to go to sleep. I say try to sleep, because I had a hard time falling asleep. I was so excited about finding this APP that I couldn't fall asleep. I'm hoping to play around with it a little today so I can sleep better tonight.

Blogger. The APP

So, in one of my posts I mentioned how I come up with an entire post while laying in bed and I forget everything the next morning. I just discovered (I'm a little slow, remember?) the Blogger APP. I just downloaded it. Now I can type a post wherever I am and not lose it (or forget it).

It also saves me time. I usually type it out in a memo on my phone (if I'm not at home by a computer) and then I have to retype it in a blog posting.

It took me 3 attempts to type "retype". It kept coming back as "fettle". Yea, it's time to go to sleep.

Chinese Fire Drill

Earlier today Alex asked for a protractor. He said he needed one for school. I said to look in the supply cabinet in the basement. There should be one there (I remember buying one before school started).
At 9:00pm Alex comes up to me (this is right after I got back from the grocery store and quickly made lunches and got Bella to bed) and asks for a protractor. I went and looked through the supplies and could not find one. I went up into the attic and remembered there was one in an old desk that belonged to one of my brothers (don't ask how I got it from my brother and I don't think it was theirs because it has some girls name on it). I handed it to Alex. He looks at it and starts complaining that its bent. I said to go in the basement, get a hammer and straighten it out. I then asked him what happened to the protractor I gave him at the beginning of the year? He said, "you didn't give me one." I said, yes I did. You put it in your trapper." (Protractor found)
I finally sit down. It's closer to 9:30pm now. Nick walks in and says he can't find his other black pair of jeans. He needs to wear them tomorrow for a speech. I haven't seen them either. So, off I went into the laundry room in search of the missing jeans. When I come up with nothing, RT jumps up and says, "I think I might have them." (They can't wear the same size pants. Shirts, maybe. Shoes, yes). RT appears a few minutes later with the missing jeans. Case solved.
I'm tired and going to sleep. I have to be ready. There might be another Chinese fire drill in the middle of the night.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Today I brought the boy and his brother to school.  I have to wait in the lobby for the brother.  While I was waiting I noticed a boy playing in the corner with a toy.  He looked at me and then walked to the other end of the lobby and started playing in the little house.  I looked around and did not see a parent/guardian for him.  I alerted the front desk.  They asked if I brought him.  I said no (and told them he was alone).   They talked to him and got him to his class.

I thought about how scary it is for a child not knowing where to go or what to do?  (although, this little boy seemed perfectly happy playing with the toys in the lobby)  I also wanted to smack the parent.  Why didn't they walk him to his classroom?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Genetically Modifying our Food

On the radio they were talking about genetically modified fish (GMF).

Genetically modified means the animal is injected with the genes of another animal.  In this case it is fish.  Once injected the fish can grow twice as fast.  This fish is awaiting FDA approval.  Here is an article about GMF to read for more information.

The government does not feel the need to have this fish labeled.  They fear that if the fish is labeled "genetically modified" that it would not be appealing to the customer.  I know that it doesn't sound very appetizing to me to see the words "genetically modified" on food that I am going to eat.

This is probably going to be an ongoing problem (genetically modifying food).  Wouldn't it be easier to slow down fishermen a little and ban fishing in certain areas for a length of time?  Do we have to keep messing with the food that we eat?  How about just leaving it alone?

How do you feel about genetically modified food?  Do you think that it should be labeled?  Would you buy and eat it?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blog Posting

My best time to write my blog post (and the time when I get all of my ideas) is while laying in bed at night right before I fall asleep.  Another great time is in the middle of the night and I can't sleep.

I am able to come up with a post title and beautifully compose the entire post with lots of details.  My only problem is that I fall asleep.  When I wake up I forget everything I wanted to write.  Sometimes I even forget I had the idea for a post.

I might have to come up with a way to write my post at night without waking up RT. 

I have a flashlight, I just need a pad of paper and a pen.

Thrift Shop

I'm gonna pop some tags
Only got twenty dollars in my pocket
I - I - I'm hunting, looking for a come-up
This is awesome
If you haven't heard the song Thrift Shop, here's a link.  Some of the lyrics are questionable (in other words there is a parental advisory).  This song has been stuck in my head today.
We got the 5am wake up call from the district about no school today.  Never mind that it wasn't snowing at 5:30am.  They decided to cancel school.  I told Nick and Alex .  Nick wanted to know how much snow we had.  I said none.  He said, why are they cancelling school then?  I said I don't know.  By 7:30am, Nick was showered, dressed and ate breakfast, Bella was dressed and made a lunch (she didn't believe me about there not being any school).  Alex was snuggled up in his bed.  (smart kid)
We did (finally) get some snow.  About 4 inches fell (and counting).  Alex, Bella and I went sledding.  Yes, I went sledding, too.  It was fun!  Alex doesn't have any snow pants or winter coat. (junior high and high school kids do not wear winter coats because it isn't cool)  He put some sweats on and tucked them into his socks.  He put RT's winter coat on (it's HUGE on him) and threw on a hat.  He looked like a grandpa.  I took one look and started singing, "I wear your granddad's clothes I look incredible." (from the song) 
I'll try to get a picture of him and put it up so you can see for yourself. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Pay it Forward

This week I will be transporting the boy to and from preschool.  You may recall I did this back in November.  I had so much fun that I am doing it again!

This is a great time to find a way to help someone else.  It can be someone that you know or, better yet, someone you don't.  We are all in this together.  Why not help each other out?

I'm find this transporting help is helping me write blog posts.  A win-win situation.  Do something for someone else, feel good about helping that person and write a blog post or two (or three) while doing it all. 

Inclement Weather

Our school district gets a little excited if the weather reports call for snow.  We are bombarded by numerous emails (and phone calls) about snow procedures.  By numerous, I mean one from the district and one from the school that your child is attending.  In my case, that is three different schools.  The snow procedures is about how much snow we get, instructs us to check the district website if there is school, and, of course, the threat possibility of a 5:30am wake up phone call cancelling school (or a late start). 

They just added the late start.  That is when they start school at a later time that day.  You know, the streets are all clear, it's about 9:00am, the kids are already at each other's throat and you are wondering why they are at home?  We haven't used one of those yet.  We really haven't had that much snow.

The weather people are predicting a snowstorm for our area with the possibility of ten inches of snow.  (YEAH!)  Already the school district is shooting off emails about the "upcoming" snowstorm and how school might be closing tomorrow.  (never mind how many snow storms have missed us this year).

I do hope we get the snow.

A snow day would be fun, too.


Am I the only adult that still gets excited about their birthday?

About one month before the big day I start mentioning it to everyone.

"Only one month until my birthday."
"My birthday is three weeks from today."
"Can you believe that my birthday is in one week?"

It's great when you have little ones because they are just as excited as you.  Bella has been looking forward to this day also.  Well, she has been keeping up with the birthday countdown updates. 

Rule number one: 

Always make sure that everyone is in the room when making your birthday countdown update.

How can you not feel special on your birthday?  This is your day!  It's like the world revolves around you for one day out of the year.  You can go about your day doing what you would normally do but today is different.  Today is your day.  So, while you are doing those normal, boring everyday things, you feel extra special because it's your birthday.

Sometimes the weather plays a major role in my birthday.  Some years I want it to snow and the weather cooperates.  Some years I want it really warm out.  One year it was in the 70's for my birthday.  Today, there's snow on the ground and there is a chance of snow, which would really make my day.

Nothing major is planned for my big day.  I go about my day as usual, except for the fact that it is my birthday.  I make a cake for myself (today it's Red Velvet Chocolate Chip Cupcakes....YUM!)  and whatever I want for dinner.  (What?  Do you think someone else will do all of this for me?)  I'm sure I will clean and throw in some laundry.  Very exciting, I know.  But, I will have the birthday halo while I am folding clothes and, especially when I am scrubbing the toilet.  :)

I try to stretch my birthday out as far as I can.  It's a little difficult when we have so many birthdays in the month of March.  Not good planning on my part.  RT steals the day from me on Wednesday, so, I have to make the most of today.

Which reminds me....

I have to go. 

The day is waiting for me. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Valentine Love Picture Frame - Take Two

I'm sure you remember my Love picture frame I made here.  Then, there was a little problem of "someone" accidentally knocking it off the mantle of the fireplace (we won't get into all the details of that one). 

I have one word to say.


I found an old picture frame and the glass fits perfectly in my "Love" frame. 

My next problem was removing the extra hot glue from the back of the word "love."  

Thanks to a YouTube video found here I have successfully removed the hot glue.  (Isopropyl Alcohol is the secret ingredient)

I touched up the red paint on "love" (it needed it after its fall) and hot glued it back on to the new glass.

I put it back up on the mantle.  (too bad I can't nail it or glue it to the mantle so it doesn't "accidentally" fall off again)

Lookin' good!
Let's hope it stays this way....