Tuesday, June 13, 2023

National Weed Your Garden Day

 I can't believe there is a National Weeding Day for us to celebrate!

I can't find much of the history of this national holiday.  Maybe my family came up with it because I spend the majority of my time outside pulling weeds?  Maybe this is a day to celebrate all of my efforts in pulling out those nasty weeds!

So, how to celebrate the day?  

How about pulling some weeds?  If you spend as little as five minutes a day weeding, you will be able to keep that weed population down. 

Weeding after a rainfall makes it easier to get the weed and it's roots.

Weed with a friend and it will make the job go a lot faster.  Not sure how many people will take you up on that, but, it's worth a try...

Reward yourself with a nice refreshing iced tea or lemonade and a view of your weed free garden.

I guess we all know how I will be spending the day today.  Looking forward to a nice refreshing drink after all of my hard work today.


  1. Best holiday ever!!! I love weeding!!! You should move by us and we can weed together!!!

    1. That would be so fun! We can make a day of it. Get t-shirts made!

    2. T-shirts??? I like the way you think!!! with matching hats and bandanas!!! and boots!!!
