Monday, April 29, 2019

Easter Traditions

We celebrated Easter yesterday.  Seems a little late, but, that's how we Orthodox people roll.  We also appreciate the half price Easter candy.  I'm sure half priced Easter candy is a HUGE factor to consider when deciding which Sunday will be Orthodox Easter.

One of our Easter traditions is dying Easter eggs.  Colorful Easter eggs are really pretty.  Our eggs are dyed all one color.  Red.  The red color represents the blood of Christ while the egg represents rebirth.

Growing up. I remember my Mom and my Grandmother dying Easter Eggs.  It was a big ordeal.  My Mom would dye dozens and dozens of eggs.  Giving them to various family members and friends.  This was something my Mom liked to do alone.  I did get to watch her whole process but never really participated.

My Mom is in a home now.  She hasn't dyed Easter eggs in years.  For the last five or six years, I have been the one in charge of dying the eggs.  Making sure to hard boil before coloring.  I have the packets of Greek red dye.  I have enlisted the help of my daughter.  I don't want the tradition to just die.  It would be nice if it continues with my children.

Every year that I do this, I feel a little sad.  Easter has always been a big deal in my family.  We would go to my grandparents house.  It was a time to see all of my Aunts, Uncles, cousins and, of course, eat lots of food.  Good food.  Everyone was happy (probably because they knew they were going to eat a lot of good food).  Lots of laughter.  And, lots of jokes.  Especially from my Dad.  My Dad, Uncles and my Grandfather would start cooking the lamb at 6:00am.  With the whole cooking process, they would drink quite a bit of wine.  In fact, I think drinking wine was required when cooking the Easter lamb.  My Uncle George would walk around with a platter of lamb, making sure everyone got a sample.  When the lamb was done, so was all of the rest of the food that my grandmother and Aunt had prepared.  Once their job of cooking the lamb was done, my Dad, Uncles and Grandfather retired to the family room to "watch" golf (yea.... golf) through their closed eyelids, of course.

Unfortunately, many of my relatives have passed away.  My cousins now celebrate with their own families, so, our Easter celebration is now just my immediate family, my brothers and their families.

I hope to keep this tradition going with my children.  I hope they have as many good memories about these traditions and family get togethers and continue them with their children.

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