Monday, December 17, 2018

It's funny, as the kids grow older, your conversations with them become more in depth, but, they still have that sense of weirdness.

We were sitting around after dinner, and the subject of a clean bathroom came up.  Cleaning the bathroom (and keeping it clean) is a sore subject in our house.  Somehow the topic of missing the toilet came up.  My stance is to clean up after yourself.  One child said that if they leave it, it will eventually which another child replied, "Because someone else cleaned it up for you!"

1st child:  No, really!  Think about it.  Urine is just water and water evaporates.  So, if I urinate on the floor, I don't have to clean it up.  It will just evaporate.

It's fun to see how your children can come up with ideas and back them up with scientific facts.

Unfortunately, I had to ruin all the fun and state that urine will not completely evaporate.  And that there are to be no scientific experiments on this subject in their bathroom.

A couple of nights ago, we were eating dinner and RT brought up the fun asparagus fact.  You know, how it changes the odor of your urine.  I said, now we will know who pees on the floor.

It's weird.  Everyone ate asparagus that night.

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