Friday, July 13, 2018

Blog Post Ideas and Titles

I keep a list of ideas and sometimes possible titles for future blog posts.  Sometimes they are pretty easy to figure out and I have no problem writing a post.  And, other times, I look at the title and have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote it down.

For example, "Hot and Sweaty."  What was I thinking when I wrote that one down?  The temperature outside?  Was someone else hot and sweaty?  Maybe I was going to make salsa that will make you hot and sweaty?  I do think I figured that one out, though, because I have a post with that title.

There is also a title, "Move the car."  That's really helpful!  Maybe I can give you details on how I have to move a car whenever I need to go somewhere.  I've already told you about the gas levels in Nick's car, so I couldn't talk about that in this post.  Maybe I could talk about how I have to add on extra time to my morning routine because of the extra time needed to move a car.

I'm determined to write my ideas down with a lot more details.  I mean, obviously something struck me as interesting or funny and I definitely don't want you to miss out on all of the fun I'm having while I make my way through my scary life.

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