Friday, July 27, 2018

Vegan Diaries - Kale Chips

I have both my gardens up and running this year.  They are definitely doing a lot better than last year.

This year I planted Kale and Okra (from seed).  The okra is just starting to produce little okras.  The kale?


I think I have six plants and they are going crazy!  I add kale to just about everything I make for every meal.  Kale and eggs, kale salad or in a sandwich, in a stir fry or soup or even smoothies.

So much kale.  In fact, RT is waiting for me to make kale toothpaste and kale underwear.

If I develop the kale underwear, I'll let you know.

The other night I thought I would try my hand at Kale Chips.  I didn't realize how easy they are to make and how fun and delicious they are to eat.  I stored the rest in a container so we could nibble on them anytime we felt our kale levels getting low.  And, yes, there were leftovers.  I made tons!

Here's my easy recipe:

Kale Chips

olive oil

chop kale into smaller pieces.

Massage some olive oil onto the kale.
Place kale pieces on a cookie sheet.
Put in oven for 15-20 minutes.
Flip, if you can half way through cooking.

I wasn't able to flip half way through  I don't have the curly kale.  It's more of an extremely long kale leaf.

If you have any variations on making kale chips, let me know in the comments!  I would love to hear them and possibly try them out!

P.S.  Pippen enjoys kale chips. I told you he was weird.



  1. We love kale chips! It's been a long time since I've made them. Thanks for reminding me. Here's my recipe.

    Blend together in a blender:
    1/4 cup tahini
    1/4 cup tamari
    1/2 cup water
    2 green onions
    1 clove garlic
    juice of 1 lemon
    1/4 teaspoon sea salt
    1/4 cup nutritional yeast

    Then tear up the kale into pieces and pour the mixture over it and massage the leaves to mix it together.

    The nutritional yeast is what makes these stand out.
    I've tried this with red and dino kale but green tastes the best.

  2. Sorry it took so long to respond. I finally made your Kale Chips and they were awesome! I loved the flavor. We couldn't stop eating them!
    I do have to admit that I used regular onion instead of green onion, bc someone (me) did not go grocery shopping. I made quite a bit and they disappeared. I was hoping to have some to store, but, alas, they were gone. Looking forward to making these again.
    Thanks for the recipe!
