Wednesday, February 28, 2018

How to keep a positive attitude in winter's gloom

Yea.  I've been staring at that title for quite a while trying to think what I should write about in this post.

You see, I love winter.  I love snow.  I even love extreme cold weather.  I know.  Scary, right?  The only problem is that I love these things until March.  And then, it's time for Spring to make an appearance.

While I enjoy the bitter cold and snow, I have to admit, the days without sunshine do wear me out.  It's pretty normal here in Chicago to go days (or the entire month of January) without seeing the sun.  It can be rather depressing.  If the sun does peek out for a few measly seconds, I find myself running outside to absorb every little ray of sunshine that comes my way.  I do have to remember to grab my coat on those extreme weather days and try not to lock myself out of the house.  Don't laugh.  It's happened.

With less sunshine, winter does turn very gloomy.  I think we need to create our own sunshine this time of year.  Have some fun!  Do things that make you happy.  And, yes, that means bring on the bright colored clothing (why is winter clothing always dark colors?).

So, throw a party.  How about a Luau night or a beach party?

Host a game night.  (Pictionary anyone?)

Make a special meal during the week.

Go out to dinner.

Go see a movie.

Invite some friends over.

Soon winter will be over and you will be missing those days where you could snuggle up on the couch with some hot chocolate during a snowstorm and watch a movie.

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