Friday, June 17, 2016

The Accidental Gardener

I believe there are two kinds of people.  Those who love to garden and those that hate it.  I approach gardening as something that should be done.  I don't dream about the lovely garden I want or make a plan of how my garden will look.  I just go out and do what I think needs to be done.

My mom taught me at a young age how to pull weeds.  It's the old fashioned way with a tool that you push into the ground near the root and pull the weed out with your hands, making sure that you get the entire root.  All these years of practice and I'm pretty good at it.

RT and I do our own landscaping.  We have been doing it in stages.  The front of our house is just about complete.  We just need to add some mulch and do a little edging.  The back yard is our work in progress.  Every year we add something new to beautify the area.

I have two gardens where I grow tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, garlic, oregano and basil (to name a few things).  I have been using companion gardening for the last few years and have noticed a difference in my harvest.  Oh and I forgot to mention, I compost in the garden.  The soil seems pretty good in our first garden.  The soil in the second garden (the newer garden), is coming along quite nicely.

The neighbors comment how well my vegetable gardens are doing and ask me how I do it.  I feel they are looking for either a technical or magical answer.

"It's because the acidity of the soil is _____"


"The secret to a successful garden is ____"

Instead, when they ask me how I created such a great garden, I reply, "I don't know."

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