Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Oil Change

My car needed an oil change.  I have one son who can do it at home (he used to work at a shop, fixing cars) and another son who is taking an auto class in high school.  So, why bring it into a shop?

I decided to take my car to the high school while Alex was at Auto club.  Alex was excited.  I think some of the other kids were excited to have a car to work on that day.  I was assured by Alex that the parts were there and I figured things would run smoothly.

An hour later (yes, this is an oil change), the teacher told me that the oil was on it's way (my car is diesel and requires special oil).  Luckily I had a couple blog post ideas that I could write while I waited.  At one hour twenty minutes, Nick called me and asked what was taking so long and did I want him to come over there and show them how an oil change is done in less than an hour?  At one hour thirty minutes, my car was finished.  The guys who worked on the car looked relieved.  I think they had a few problems.  I was happy that it was done and that we could finally go home.  Oh, and Alex's yellow sweatshirt, well, it wasn't yellow anymore.

Anyone know how to get motor oil out of a sweatshirt?

I'm trying Dawn dish soap.  Let's hope this works out.

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