Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Sleepin' on the Couch

I've been fighting a cough for years the last two weeks.  It was so nice of RT to share it with me.  The cough doesn't have a scheduled time when it decides to inflict pain show up.  I just start coughing and can't stop.  It really enjoys night time.  That's when I get a good two hours of uninterrupted coughing until I finally fall asleep...only to wake up and have to make my way back to bed.  I get a good two hours of sleep in bed then wake up and start coughing again.

As you have probably guessed, my two hours of coughing is being done while trying to sleep on the couch.  It's not the most comfortable couch, but it's far enough away from the bedrooms so I can suffer alone.

Last night, as I made my way to my new bed the couch, Nick popped in and asked, "Why are you sleeping on the couch?"  My coughing fit didn't provide a good enough answer, so I explained how I was trying to let RT get some sleep.  He then told me to take some Vitamin C.  I thanked him for this help.  I didn't want to mention that I've taken so much Vitamin C in the last two weeks that I might look like I'm addicted to it.

As I was settling down, Alex pops in and says, "Why are you sleeping on the couch?"

Nothing gets by these kids.  Mom sleeping on the couch is big news in our house.  I'm sure it hit all of the major newspapers and was the top story on the news.

I've been doing shots of ACV (apple cider vinegar) (when I remember), Vitamin C, gargling with salt water and sucking on lozenges.

I'm praying the coughing ends soon.  I'm looking forward to a full night of sleep in my bed.

Until then, you can find me on the couch.

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