Tuesday, July 28, 2015


I work in a toy store.  It's a fun job.  I get to see and sometimes play with some cool toys and games.

I had an interesting day today at work.  There were 4 kids that were running around the store like wild animals.  They got a hold of some ride on toys and were having races around the store.  (the store isn't that big)  It was getting out of hand (they were running into customers and other employees).  I decided to break up the fun.  I told a couple of the kids that I had to put the toys away.  They were OK with it.  I think they realized they were being a little too wild.  Next thing I know, the mom is yelling at me, saying that I told her kids that they couldn't play with the toys in the toy store.  By the way, the mom was NO WHERE to be found when the kids were running wild.  (We realized later that she was in the back of the store on the phone, ignoring the wildness of her kids.  I think she might have left the store for a while, too (with out her kids))


The owner stepped in (during her yelling at me)  and said for the safety of the customers, employees and especially the children, we put the cars back.  That's when this woman yelled even louder, "What customers?"  The manager explained, "The other customers in the store and the safety of the employees that work here."  This arguing went on for quite awhile.  At one point the customer called me rude.  I held my breath and didn't say anything.  I think the poor woman was having a break down of some sort.  She said how her husband travels 5 days a week and that she's a single parent during that time.  I don't think she could handle the stress of the kids and her husband's travel.  << But that's no excuse to take it out on others.

It's also good that I kept my mouth shut.  I don't think I would have won an argument with her.  She was dead set on blaming me for the chaos in her life.

She did end up buying a couple of things and finally leaving the store.  We all had a deep sigh of relief until....she barged back into the store yelling at the manager.  I had to help another customer at that point (luckily).  After not winning another round with the owner, she finally left the store.

Glad my "rudeness" could be of help to her.

Can I count that as a Random Act of Kindness?

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