Monday, March 30, 2015



You can't live with them.  Can't shoot 'em.

I'm sure we all have our problems with our families.  Maybe its the little things they do that irritate you.  Or, maybe there are bigger issues that bug you.

RT's family has the moving problem.  I've known the guy for 24 years and during that time, someone in his family has moved once every year.  If someone doesn't move this year, then next year there will be two people moving.  I mentioned this 5 or 10 years ago and RT didn't believe me.  We actually went through - year by year - and figured out that this was scary  true.  One year, his brother moved twice.  Yes, twice.  In the SAME WEEK!

I learned.  Every address is written in pencil in my address book.  < well, that probably started with my friend, Patti, but, that's another story.

My family does not move.  Ever.  We like to stay in the same house forever and ever.  You know right where to find us AND you don't have to get a new address book.  We do have our quirks, tho.  Like not telling people things.  I thought I wasn't told things because I'm "the baby."  You know how it goes,

"Don't tell the baby or you'll worry her."

"She doesn't need to know about ________."

Needless to say, there are times that I must look like an idiot because I didn't know about something that everyone else knows (and has known for years).

I'm finding out that my family doesn't share events/things with other members of the family.   It's not like we have these HUGE secrets we have to keep, like the recipe for Coca Cola (I can't tell you the recipe....I'm bound by the secrets of my family).

Sometimes what is being hidden is so small (and stupid) that I wonder why the person thought it was a good idea to hide it in the first place?  "Hey, don't tell anyone that we switched brands of toilet paper."  "Don't tell anyone that I got a haircut."

 RT and I joke that if someone in my family moved, no one would ever find out.

Moving problems?  Secrets?  What are some of the crazy things that go on in your family?

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