Alex has a summer internship at RT's work, so they get to spend some quality (driving) time together. On day two of their togetherness, Alex told me about Dad and his napkins. Yea, I already knew, but, it's fun when the kids discover something and then recount their experience.
Alex and RT went out for lunch. After lunch, RT grabbed some napkins (even though the center console in his car is full). Alex then said that RT put these napkins in his desk drawer at work. The desk drawer is big and deep. And full of napkins. Alex looked a little worried.
I told him that I knew about the desk drawer. RT sent me a picture of the drawer overflowing with napkins. I then told him that now that he knows about
If you want to read more about RT's Napkin hoarding, search napkins on the blog. Thanks to RT, there are quite a few posts for your reading pleasure.
you never know when you will need one