Wednesday, February 3, 2021

You are beautiful

 I stepped into a bathroom at a coffeehouse in Michigan and noticed the positive message on the walls,  "You are beautiful."

It worked.  Reading that message made me smile.  

But, then I started to really think about the message and where it was placed.  

A coffee house.  Sure, we can all use a little pick me up in the morning before our morning coffee (or tea).   

Inside a women's bathroom.  Maybe our partner was struggling without his or her caffeine and didn't hand out compliments that morning.  

There was not a sign like this in the men's bathroom (I didn't go check, I had a little help doing the dirty work  investigating for me).  

Why do women need confirmation of their looks?  Why do we need to be told that we are beautiful?  Was it how we were raised?  Social Media?  Magazines?  Models?  Celebrities?   You don't see men needing affirmation of their handsomeness.  I never had to reassure my boys about their physical attractiveness.

I do think that giving compliments should be the norm.  We should be building one another up instead of tearing them down.  I tried to do some research so I could provide answers.  All of my searching resulted with how to give yourself affirmations and that it is healthy to need affirmations.   

Do you make sure that you compliment people?  

Do you give out compliments every day?  

Do you just compliment women?

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