Wednesday, August 19, 2020

My Weird Dog

 I write quite a bit about my weird dog, Pippen.  Recently, we have been given custody of a weirder dog  a dog named, Curly.

Curly grew up with my in-laws.  She was spoiled, able to do whatever she wanted, ate dog food along with whatever other food that was given to her, and she had no rules.  Oh, and she would refuse to do her business in their yard.  Curly would hold out for a walk.  

Curly went through a little adjustment when she moved in with us.  She wouldn't eat much of her (dog) food because she was holding out for handouts from us.  Luckily we had a family meeting before the move in process and agreed that only dog food will be available for the dogs.  It took about a week, but, Curly finally realized that her dog food was pretty tasty.  She eats her food in a matter of minutes now.

While Pippen enjoys the outdoors, Curly is a pampered indoor pooch.  She prefers the air conditioned life.  If left outside, she will stand by the back door and stare.  You can leave her out there for an hour and she will stand the entire time, waiting for the door to open.  Curly does not like the feel of grass under her dainty paws.  She has to be coaxed into the grass to do her business.

Curly is not used to all of the movement in our house.  More people living here means more exciting activity throughout the house.  With all of Curly's odd quirks, she makes Pippen look a lot more normal than weird.

By the way, Pippen is not too fond of Curly.  He tolerates her, finds her annoying and is trying to figure out why Curly is in his house.

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