Thursday, August 13, 2020


 I've learned a lot during this quarantine.

I've learned things like, pandemics make everyone go into a crazy mode and people start hoarding the weirdest things.  Toilet paper, flour, garlic, yeast and meat just to name a few.

I also learned that people don't wash their hands.

Oh, and people need to be told to turn and cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze.  

All of these things I learned from my Mom when I was a little kid.

And, then came the mask.  The face mask, or face covering, is supposed to save us all.  We are now all required to wear one when we are out in public (well, at least here in Illinois).

I have posted about Karen's  people who call out other people who are not wearing masks (I like to call them tattlers).  

I'm not pro or con on the mask.  I'm not exactly sure how wearing a piece of cloth, where I can breathe through is going to protect me from this (and any other) disease.  I mean, if air can get through it, germs can most likely get through.

I do know that face masks can come in handy.  I learned this while I was on vacation.  The use of a face mask is necessary to survive any restroom or outhouse experience.  In fact, I might just carry a face mask with me for the rest of my life just so I can use it during my public rest room visits.

By wearing a face mask daily at work, I learned that I don't drink as much water.  As a result, I notice that my breath can be a little on the strong side (OK, go ahead and say it.  It stinks!)  Anyone else notice that they become mouth breathers with a face mask on?  

Oh, and I learned that I should avoid eating garlicky things if I'm going to have a mask on immediately after a meal.

How do you feel about wearing face masks?

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