Monday, February 24, 2020

Purse Purge

Let's play a game.  What's in my purse?

I carry a small purse.  I prefer to carry as little as possible with me.  Unfortunately, I'm usually asked to carry things for other people.  Those things get stuffed into my small purse.  I forget to empty it and my purse becomes an overstuffed sausage and weighs a good 50 pounds.  It will stay that way for awhile (sometimes weeks) until I finally decide to dump everything so I can figure out what is causing it to weigh so much.

Today was that day.

Here is what I found:

My glasses (in their case, of course)
4 pens
2 packages of Kleenex
a half dozen receipts
bunch of (clean) napkins
4 lipsticks
1 lip balm
a container of mints
gift card
fruit snacks
2 layered fruit bars
a sandwich bag of gold fish crackers

OK.  Some of this stuff is normal:  My glasses, wallet, gift card, mints and one lip balm.  The perfume is a frivolous extra but it is definitely a blessing to have on hand when needed.

The snacks were supposed to be given to Bella after one of her basketball game (I'm not sure which game, I've been to several so, these might have been here awhile).

Do I really need two packages of Kleenex?  Am I expecting to sneeze  a million times  that much while I'm out?

And, why can't we just go with an e-receipt?  Why does every store have to hand me more paper that I have to carry around with me for the rest of my life?

One pen should be more than enough unless I'm planning on writing the next great American novel.  The same goes for lipstick.

And, the napkins?  Well, I think I have been hanging around RT a little too much.

Now that it is clean, how long will it stay that way?

What do you carry with you when you go out?

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