Friday, February 7, 2020

Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?

Well?  Do you?

No.  I'm not really asking that question.  I already know the answer.

I've mentioned in a previous post about the music that's played at work.  Mostly country music songs with a few pop songs tossed in for fun.  One song that is played every single day I work is a remake of Rod Stewart's, "Da Ya Think I'm Sexy."

Now, I like Rod Stewart.  Not a crazy fan, but, I enjoy listening to his music.  Always thought that this song was one of his crazy, "out there"  songs.

When this song starts playing, I always try to figure out how it fits in with the country music songs that usually play.  Why this song?  I also wonder how many of the young kids that work there know who Rod Stewart is?  I know one of my co-workers has no idea who Rod Stewart is, because I asked him when this song was playing.

So, after hearing this song every day, I got it stuck in my head.  It plays in my head on repeat over and over again.  I'm constantly hearing Rod Stewart asking me if I think he's sexy.  I have even started to hum this song out loud.

Last night, as I was helping Bella make Valentines (for seniors), I told RT about the whole scenario.  Rod Stewart's song being played at work and how I can't get the song out of my head.  I just got a strange look back as a reply.  I said I might have to start singing it.  I got a look that suggested I better not belt out the lyrics.

When the Valentine making finished, and both RT and Bella left the room, I decided to play the song and sing along.  Hoping this will get the song out of my head.

As I was really getting into it, singing and dancing, RT walks in and says, "I leave you alone for five minutes and this is what happens."

So, here I am, sitting here, quietly typing away while Rod Stewart asks me over and over again,  if I think he's sexy.

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