Friday, February 28, 2020

The Plastic Plate

We have a set of (red) plastic plates that I purchased over ten years ago.  I bought them so we could use them when we ate dinner outside.  They are great with little kids.  They are lighter, easier to carry and will not break if the kids drop them.  We used them on and off switching off with regular ceramic plates.

For some reason, I saved these plates.  They are used when we run out of dinner plates.  The only problem is they have to be hand washed.  They are also really, really thin plastic, so, I don't feel comfortable putting hot food on them.

RT was putting dinner together and grabbed a couple of plates.  He hands me a plastic plate full of hot food.  I hesitated and probably cringed when I took the plate from him.  He was worried I didn't like the food.  I then had to confess my hot food on a plastic plate phobia  issue.  Well, I also don't like to add more dishes to the millions of things that I hand wash every day.  It's nice to be able to put an item into the dishwasher.

RT finds it a little strange (of course, everything with me he finds strange, so, I'm sure this isn't a completely new thing for him).  He has no problem putting hot food onto these plates and then eating off of them.  In fact I notice that he has been using these plates more and more since I brought up the plastic plate phobia  issue.  He uses it for lunch (hot or cold food).  He had to thaw out some drumsticks and put them on a plastic plate (we had a cabinet full of regular dishes that could have been used).  I'm not sure if he's using them because they are there and I won't use them?  Or if he is trying to prove something (like I'm crazy...even though we all know that answer).

So, my question to you is, do you have plastic plates?

Do you want a set of six red, flimsy plastic plates?

Would you eat hot food off of a really thin plastic plate?

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