Monday, May 20, 2019

It's funny how worried you are when you drop your kid off at college.  You worry something might happen.  You hope they get to and from their classes OK.  If they go out (which you know they will) that they are kept safe.  But, somehow, since they are away and not at home, you don't spend all of your time worrying about them.  I mean, the worry is still there, but, it's at the back of your mind.

And then, they come home for the weekend (after being away for a few months).

And they decide to go see a movie.  The midnight show, of course.  I mean, why go any earlier?  Everyone is off school and work at the same time, right?  "Oh, you want me to go with you?  Sure.  I have nothing going on.  I can get just a couple of hours sleep and look wide awake at work tomorrow."

They are used to sharing a room with others that come and go at all hours and they feel they can return home at any time they feel works for them.

You love their visits because you get to see them but, on the other hand, you look forward to them going back to school just so you can stop worrying and get a good night's sleep.

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