Friday, November 16, 2018

Emergency Contact

Everyone has someone that is their emergency contact.  This special someone is a person that knows you.  they are a person you can rely on.  They will be there to help out when needed.  You can call them anytime, from anywhere, and they will be there to help you out.

Most people have just one person that they call.  That person is a spouse/partner, family member or close friend.  For most people, that person is their spouse.

I was thinking about this one day, as I was reflecting on how my phone calls and texts go unanswered from my husband.  What if they were a matter of life and death?  If he doesn't answer my calls and texts now, what if it's an emergency?

Now, don't get me wrong, I know RT would be the one to call and he would help out and make sure all was OK.

But, what if he doesn't answer that call?

I started going through people I know and came up with lists of who could be contacted and who would respond.  My kids would respond because they are always on their phone.  Well, Nick might not respond quickly, because he isn't on his phone that much, and if it required him to download a text or something, well, forget it  (I can hear his grumbling now).

And, maybe my brother, Steve.  Unless it's after a certain time at night, when he decides to turn his phone off.  I can just make sure he's not needed at those times.  My other brother works, so, I couldn't bother him during work hours.

I'm going to have to plan my emergencies around my emergency contacts' schedules.  I mean, scheduling an emergency seems a lot easier than say, not knowing when it's going to happen, right?

It made me feel good to know that I had a couple of people to call in case of emergency.  Let's just hope I don't have to use them, right?

Who is your emergency contact?

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