Friday, October 13, 2017

Gee, Your Hair Smells

Remember that commercial back in the '70's?

"Gee, your hair smells terrific!"

That also happened to be the name of the shampoo.  I don't remember what the shampoo smelled like (terrific?) but I do remember how everyone seemed to compliment the person that used it.

I took the plunge and bought a new shampoo last week.  I felt like the brand I was currently using was not doing anything positive and it was time for a change.  I steer away from chemicals, after realizing that was the reason why my scalp would itch so much (same chemical in shower gels and I can't use those).  Anyway, I chose a shampoo with a lavender scent.  I washed my hair with the new shampoo.  All day I noticed how nice my hair felt.  Softer and more body.

RT comes home and I tell him about my new, exciting purchase.  He sticks his nose into my scalp and inhales and declares that my hair smells awful.  Bella starts laughing.  She walks over and smells my hair and says that it smells bad and starts laughing.

I'm thinking it's a joke.

 A little while later, RT approaches me and says that he is being honest.  He doesn't want me to walk around thinking my hair smells good, when everyone else is thinking the total opposite.

I grab the bottle and have him smell the shampoo.  I mean, some people are not lavender people.  He said, "If you stick your nose in there, that's what your hair smells like."  I said, "I don't think normal people are going to stick their nose into my scalp to smell my hair."

Oh, and Bella was going along with it because she thought it was a joke.

Just when you think my life's journey isn't scary....  Yes.  These are real conversations I have with my family.

If I happen to bump into you, go ahead and tell me that my hair smells terrific.

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