Monday, August 8, 2016

Paper or Plastic

I guess it's only fair.  Here I am telling you about RT and his napkin hoarding and I forget to admit my plastic bag collection.

Yes.  Collection.  It sounds much more pleasant, doesn't it?

So does, supply.


How about stash?

Or, even better......Treasury!

It started long, long ago.  I started out using plastic grocery bags as garbage bags.  Hey!  I'm a Girl Scout!  Make the world a better place.  Use resources wisely.  Plastic bags at the time were just being thrown out.  Why not give them another job before getting rid of them?

Take a look around and you will notice that a lot of things come in plastic bags.  Bread.  Tortillas... and, guess what?  I use those bags for other things!  Need a garbage bag when in the car on a long car trip?  I've got one for you!  How about a "clean up" bag when walking the dog?  I've got you covered!  How about a bag "just in case someone gets sick?"

I saw a tutorial on how to make a bed or mat for a homeless person using plastic grocery bags.  People even turn the grocery bags into a long chain and crochet it and make bowls (or containers).

There are so many extra uses for these bags.  I mean, why not reuse them?  Do they really recycle all of the plastic bags that people return at the grocery stores?  If they did, don't you think they could stop making new (plastic bags)?

I will continue reusing finding a new life and purpose for each and every plastic bag that comes into my possession and consider my "stash" a "treasure."

Now, about my paper shopping bag stockpile......

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