Friday, August 5, 2016

Don't Drink the Water

I know I have written many posts about my weird dog.  And, I guess we will just have to add this one to the ever growing list....

As you know, Pippen likes company when he eats.  In fact, it's gotten to a point where he stops eating if he can't see me.  And, if I leave the laundry room, he will sit and wait until I get back.  He's also a very messy eater...getting his food all over the floor and doesn't clean up after himself (wait!  That sounds like my kids!).  But, that's not what I'm here to talk about....

Pippen has two water bowls (in the house).  They are either completely full or completely empty.  He will go long periods of time without drinking water then realize he is thirsty and drink half to an entire bowl of water.  If he gets too hot outside, he will come inside the house, look at his water bowl and just walk away.

When walking him on the trails, there are some (kind) people who put out water bowls for dogs.  It's great on hot days.  Your dog can stop and have a drink of water.  Of course, Pippen will not drink from these bowls.  He would rather die of the heat than taste test the water from these bowls.  I have a feeling he thinks that someone is out to poison him.  So, instead of getting a refreshing drink, he would rather suffer and foam at the mouth during his walk.

I notice if I fill his water bowl he will look at me, look at the bowl and walk away.  He likes to let the water sit for 24 hours.  This way, if it's poisoned, the bowl will disappear (disintegrate).  If it's still there the next day, he might drink from it.

Nick's answer to all of Pippen's quirks is, "natural selection."

Yea, I have to agree.  I don't think he would make it very long if he lived somewhere else.


  1. Maybe he prefers Evian... with a twist of lemon.

  2. Seriously, though, he may be waiting for the chlorine to dissipate before drinking it if the water comes from the tap. (Smart dog.)
