Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Tooth Fairy

So, the Tooth Fairy visited again.  Yea, I did say that the Tooth Fairy was all done here, didn't I?

If you have been keeping up with the Tooth Fairy posts, you will recall that we have encountered some problems.  You see, the Tooth Fairy has had some problems fulfilling her role when it comes to visiting during the night.  She can be quite forgetful.  I'm not sure if this is with just our house or is she slacking off on all of her tooth fairy duties?  I mean, how many houses does she visit in one night?  Is there only one Tooth Fairy?  Does she have helpers?  Is there one Tooth Fairy per State/Country?

So, as I was saying, Bella had another loose tooth.  It fell out when we were at the dentist.  He said that this is the last tooth (I've heard that line before).   So, Bella put the tooth under her pillow that night and waited for the Tooth Fairy to visit.

One of the problems that we have is that not everyone in our house is asleep. Apparently the Tooth Fairy only visits when everyone in the house is asleep. Of course, it doesn't help that my children are light sleepers. Oh, and when they lose a tooth, they don't sleep at all (well, until the Tooth Fairy visits). I'm not sure if it's the excitement of her pending visit or they are trying to catch me her in the act. 

The last two teeth were quite challenging, but the Tooth Fairy pulled through. It may have taken more than a day, but she got the job done. 

This visit proved to be quite difficult.  The first night she didn't visit. Bella said that it didn't help that I went to check on her in the middle of the night.  When I walked into her room, Bella sat up and said, really loud, "Who are you?"  Talk about scaring the $4/# out of me.   I told her, "It's Mommy and I missed you."  (Hey, it was 3am. I had to say something!)  I tried not to check on her the next night. Turns out the Tooth Fairy visited when Bella went to school and I went to help out at her school. 

The Tooth Fairy left a note.

She also left a ton of glitter all over the bed and floor. What was she thinking?

Well, it's been a fun ride, Tooth Fairy.  Thanks for the fun and the money.  Oh and especially for the memories.  I'll miss you.  I'm sorry for interrupting your schedule.  I apologize for the bad press and talking abut your forgetfulness.  I realize you have tons of children to visit.  Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day (night?) to make children around the world happy about losing a tooth.  On behalf of all theses children, and especially mine, I say, thank you for a job well done. 

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