Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Shorts

Many, many years ago, I believe it was Spring and our first year of marriage, RT decided to cut a pair of his sweatpants and make them into a pair of shorts.  He didn't measure when he cut them or even try to make sure that both legs were even.  So, one leg's side is longer than the other and they are not even (front to back of leg).  Oh, and there usually are a few strings hanging.  I figured "the shorts" would last the season and then be tossed in the garbage.

Twenty one years later and they are STILL around.........

You're probably wondering why I'm writing about my husband's fashion choices.  Well, these shorts have become rather "famous."

A few years ago, my brother mentioned that RT was wearing some shorts while they were in Colorado.  I said, "Were they the cut off sweat shorts?"  He said, "Yea, how did you know?"  I explained the history of "the shorts" and we both laughed that they are still around.

Recently we had a couple of "incidents" regarding "the shorts."  I told Alex that RT would drive him to basketball practice.

Alex:  Does he have to?

Me:  What do you mean does he have to?

Alex:  Well, he wears these shorts...

Me:  The bad cut off sweat shorts?

Alex:  Yea, those.  It's kind of embarrassing.

Me:  Well, at least he doesn't get out of the car.

One day, RT was supposed to take Bella somewhere.  She said, " I hope he doesn't wear those shorts!"  I joked that maybe "he can wear those and walk her down the aisle when she gets married."  I got a dirty look and a "he better not!"

RT said he didn't realize there was so much controversy regarding his shorts.   He even contemplated  getting rid of them.  I had to inform him that "the shorts" are now an historic landmark and that they can not be thrown away, especially now that I am telling everyone about them.  I'm sure they will become a tourist attraction.  People will be heading this way on spring break just to see "the shorts."  They'll be a big hit.   Tickets to see "the shorts" will be sold in advance.  There will be scalpers trying to sell off extra tickets.  Long lines.  Maybe an amusement park.  A theater.  Hotels.  Restaurants.  A mall.

Of course, once the fame dies down...years and years from now,  I'm thinking that when he dies, he should be buried wearing them.

Don't worry.  There will be an exact replica in the museum.

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