Friday, August 8, 2014

Want a piece of Candy?

My kids LOVE candy.


Alex and Bella LOVE candy.  Nick is just okay with it.  We'll leave him out of this one....for now.


When they get candy, they eat it all right away.  They try to save it, but, it doesn't last very long.
They both love to hide the candy in their room so no one steals it from them.  I usually find quite a few candy wrappers in their room.  Very rarely will they share their candy with anyone.  If they were going to share their candy, I would like to think that they would share it with me.

Today, Bella handed me an opened box of Sno-Caps.  She got these on one of her movie outings with her grandmother.  She didn't finish them at the theater, so she brought them home.  I had mentioned (the day she got them) that I loved Sno-Caps when I was her age.  It was my favorite movie candy.  I asked for some and was given one.  Yes, you read that correctly.  One (1) tiny little Sno-Cap.   I know she has a HUGE sweet tooth, so, I figured I would just let her be.

A day or two later, said Sno-Caps were "cap"-sized on her bed.  (in other words, spilled all over her bed) I figured she would eat them when she got back to her room or just throw them out.

Fast forward a few weeks.  Here I am, minding my own business and Bella hands me the box of Sno-Caps and tells me that I can have them.  I politely decline (remember they were all over her bed?).  Bella insists that I take them because I mentioned that I used to like them.  I casually mention the fact that they have been sitting around for about a month.  (she denies the length of time but can not give a definite date as to their purchase) I asked about their little accident all over the bed.  (apparently that didn't happen to these Sno-Caps)  I then say Thank You and that I don't have a taste for Sno-Caps.

She stomps off, saying that I am mean.

Well, I guess I should be happy that she was willing to share.

(a little too willing, if you ask me)

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