Friday, August 29, 2014

Homemade Laundry Detergent

As you know from this post, I make my own laundry detergent. I have been pretty happy with it.

I was having some problems a little while back with my washing machine, but I found if I just put the detergent in with the clothes, everything turned out great.

I was looking around the web at various homemade laundry detergents and found that I could make a larger batch.  A lot of people mentioned using Zote soap so I thought, why not try it?

I made the double batch and found that it lasts a lot longer.  I don't have to make the soap every couple of months.  This larger batch lasts anywhere from 4-6 months.

Here is the recipe for the larger batch.

Laundry Detergent (the Big Batch)

bars of soap (2 of Zote or 3 Fels Naptha)
1 box of Washing Soda (washing soda, not baking soda, you can find it in the laundry detergent aisle)
1 box Borax

Grate the bars of soap.  I use the food processor to grate the soap.  Once it is grated, I then run it through with the blade inside with a little borax and a little washing soda (so it doesn't stick to the processor and become clumpy or clay like).

Mix all together and put into your container(s).

This time I tried the white Zote soap.  I was not impressed with the scent.  I put in a little lavender essential oil.  The scent does not transfer to the clothes (very happy about that).  I'm hoping that this will keep the whites....white.  I thought maybe that the Fels Naptha might be the reason some of my whites are turning dingy.  We shall see...

I still put in a 1/2 cup of white vinegar for the rinse (or instead of using a fabric softener).  And, no, your clothes will NOT smell like vinegar.

Better get to work.  I have quite a few piles of laundry to do.

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