Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I thought I would give some updates on my walking travels.

I still walk everyday.  I roll out of bed at 6:30am, throw some clothes and shoes on and head out the door.  I try to get my walk in before RT goes to work.  (still trying to figure this one out now that the kids are back in school)

I still see sports bra lady.  You remember her, she's in her late 60's, wears a sports bra and too short shorts an walks her dog.  Today she didn't have the straps of her sports bra over her shoulders.  Not sure what was holding the bra up.  Don't think I want to know, either.

Then there's the guy who jogs with his small dog.  The dog has gotten better at the whole jogging thing.  When they first started out, the dog was dragged most of the way.  Now, the dog sometimes runs ahead of him.

Oh, and then there's the guy who has been jogging the trails for the last 17 years.  I'm not sure if this guy lives in the area or even goes home.  Anytime you are on the trails, you see him jogging.  I think he is the Forrest Gump of our area.  (except, no one has followed him in seventeen years)  He has changed his clothes a few times over the last seventeen years.  He started out in a long sleeve button down shirt and dress slacks.  He is now wearing long basketball shorts and a tee shirt.

There are quite a few people who jog in khakis and a golf shirt.  I'm not sure what that's all about.  Maybe trying to start a new jogging fashion trend.

There's the woman who always carries her purse with her when she's out walking.  You never know when you're going to need it.....I guess.

There is another woman with two small dogs.  She usually carries one of the dogs.  She has got to be the friendliest person on the trails.  Always has something to say and always happy.  Wishing you a wonderful day with a huge smile.

The other day I was having some fun with a jogger.  He was ahead of me, but, I think he was done jogging.  He was tired and wanted to just walk it out.  He saw that I was approaching and decided to run as fast as he could for about 10 seconds and then stopped.  He walked a little and turned to the side (not looking directly at me) to make sure that I was far behind him.  If he turned to the side and saw that I was approaching, he would run for another 10 seconds and repeat the process.  This happened two or three times.

I was amused (of course).

The fourth and fifth times I decided to run with him (and stopped when he stopped).  When he turned to the side to see how far ahead he was, he realized I was right behind him and started running again.  He gave up after the third time and let me pass (I was bummed because I was having so much fun).  I think I wore the guy out, but, hey, he got an even better workout because of me!

I try to do my part and help others.

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