Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I got a job

So, before I went on that group interview I ran out and applied at a couple more places. Deep down, I did not want to take a job working at the mall in a clothing store during the hollidays (can you say nightmare?).

One of the places that I applied at called me Monday morning. I interviewed with them(a toy store) that day, accepted the job and started the next day (it's a seasonal job).

So far, so good. 

Wish me luck. 

*by the way, the clothing store called (after I accepted this job and started working) to tell me I got the job. I guess it takes some time. It also helps that it's the holliday season. 


  1. Hey! Congratulations! But I'm thinking a toy store will be more of a nightmare than a clothing store during the holidays. But what do I know, right? I hope you have fun and enjoy your new job! Congrats again!

    1. yea. I don't think I thought that all out until I wrote the post. I do know what a clothing store is like during the holidays and now realize that this toy store is going to be even crazier. I just have to make it through the hollidays. How many more days until Christmas again?
